Can’t stop, won’t stop

Can’t stop, won’t stop

Mike Randolph’s at it again. We just helped him finish The Good Pie, and now he’s opening a swank Mexican joint next door. (Seriously, does this guy ever sleep?) The kitchen will feature an open wood-fired hearth for cooking meats the traditional Mexican...
Done! Soleil by Erkers

Done! Soleil by Erkers

When you think creatively, you can get a lot of bang for your buck. That’s exactly what we did at Soleil, the place to go for luxury sunglasses in St. Louis. After finding a prime spot in Plaza Frontenac right next to the movie theatre, Erker’s hired us to...
Done! Robust at the MX

Done! Robust at the MX

As if getting to design spaces for fun clients isn’t enough, they let us trounce around largely unsupervised in the middle of the night to take pictures. Case in point, Robust Downtown at the MX. We finished this job back in December, and we’re really...