Entering the Abyss

Entering the Abyss

Entering the Abyss is the second of a three-part series on the experiences of navigating the start up and managment of a small design biz through the worst recession since the Great Depression. (Miss Part One? Read it here.) In Part One, SPACE was born and flourished...

SPACEspeak 4 – In the beginning

In the Beginning is the first of a three-part series on the experiences of navigating the start up and managment of a small design biz through the worst recession since the Great Depression. I founded SPACE March 23, 2005, the morning after I got fired. Actually, I...

Architect as Master Builder

Some of you will be surprised to see our 2nd SPACE blog, just a week since our first one. Trust me when I say there is no shortage of material! From interesting clients, projects, process and the staff, the hardest decision is to decide what to write about first. For...


Finally. The first word is down. After gentle prodding, enthusiastic encouragement, and even a few snarky tweets, the first SPACE blog has begun. I’m Tom Niemeier, founder of SPACE, LLC., just a little ole architecture firm in St. Louis, Missouri. Most likely, I...