by Janelle Messel | Feb 26, 2021
[et_pb_slide use_text_overlay=”off” alignment=”bottom” arrows_custom_color=”#ffffff” content_tablet=”< Back to Our Work Restaurants: Franco " content_phone="< Back to Our WorkRestaurants: Franco "...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Jul 1, 2019
< Back to Our Work 2019 | Restaurants Bulrush The bulrush — a wetland grass, sometimes referred to as a cattail — is an apt metaphor for spring: lining lakes and rivers, the bulrush purifies and renews the waterlogged marsh. What was once dormant, the...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | May 2, 2018
< Back to Our Work 2018 | Retail Steel Wheels We couldn’t have been more excited when we were asked to help create the space for Steel Wheels, a luxurious, locally-owned spinning studio in the Central West End. The owners wanted to give riders an experience...