by SPACE Architecture + Design | Dec 31, 2014 | Community, Insight
Just like everyone else, we’re reflecting back on 2014, a year that has blown by. Instead of boring you with a 35,236-page dissertation on the firm’s obligatory ups and downs, take a gander at our year-end review/holiday card that shows off our most...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Dec 4, 2014 | Community, Insight
The human body is a beautiful, biological machine, and one that we often take for granted. Nicole Cooper’s paintings deftly balance the body’s beauty and a celebration of the latent transformative power each contains. Come by SPACE this Friday evening to...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Nov 3, 2014 | Community, Insight
Getting through the sleepless nights of studio to earn your architecture degree was tough. Sending out stacks of resumes, slapping on a cheerful smile for lame networking events, and finally scoring an interview for an honest-to-gawd real job (no more internships,...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Oct 6, 2014 | Community, Insight
SPACE Architecture + Design is pleased to welcome contemporary local artist Mark Witzling to our gallery, Friday, October 10, 2014 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. In this stunning exhibit, Mark shares landmarks of his memory through canvas snapshots in oil and wax. With...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Aug 13, 2014 | Insight
We know that politics is one of the three taboo subjects. It’s usually controversial, often complicated and typically boring, and we hate being boring. However, the Missouri Historic Tax Credit is a big deal not only to our industry, but for small business...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Aug 7, 2014 | Concept Design, Insight
Talk about barflies. Some people just won’t leave, will they? John and Cathy O’Brien at Three Flags Tavern have some permanent residents on their walls, and we thought we’d introduce you to them for Throwback Thursday. So we’re throwing it way...