Running for Ranken Jordan

Running for Ranken Jordan

Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital is one of our dearest clients, and we have the chance to earn money for them just by running the Rock & Roll Marathon in October. If you aren’t familiar with them, the folks at Ranken Jordan are miracle workers. The...
Join us for Eggs in SPACE!

Join us for Eggs in SPACE!

Did you get to do an egg drop when you were in grade school? WE DIDN’T EITHER. That’s our flimsy pretext for hosting an old-fashioned egg drop during St. Louis Design Week. We (and by “we,” I mean SPACE’s staff and you, dear reader) are...
Done! Wheelhouse Downtown

Done! Wheelhouse Downtown

You never know what you can accomplish until a client gives you a big challenge. That’s exactly what happened when Wheelhouse’s ownership team approached us in April and told us they wanted to have their new downtown restaurant open for business in July....