by SPACE Architecture + Design | Aug 7, 2014 | Concept Design, Insight
Talk about barflies. Some people just won’t leave, will they? John and Cathy O’Brien at Three Flags Tavern have some permanent residents on their walls, and we thought we’d introduce you to them for Throwback Thursday. So we’re throwing it way...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Aug 4, 2014 | Concept Design
St. Louis’ infinitely delicious hometown favorite Pi Pizzeria has announced their expansion to Miami, and they have selected SPACE to design the new restaurant. To be dubbed Pi’ami, the South Beach outpost will be located in a desirable area that is home...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Jul 31, 2014 | Community, Insight
Our year of artists continues with August’s reception for Timothy E. Wagner. Stop by SPACE this Friday, August 1 to check out his work. “Visions of a City” showcases mixed media pieces, each one incorporating an axonometric rendering of stylized...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Jun 24, 2014 | Community
A steady stream of business has allowed us to hire some of St. Louis’ extraordinary local talent. (And yes, St. Louis is a goldmine for some of the most innovative and creative designers anywhere. Don’t let anybody tell you any different.) We’ve...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Apr 28, 2014 | Concept Design
Is your family looking for high-quality, locally-sourced, affordable food? Yeah? You need to visit our new neighbor, City Greens Market. Traditional grocery stores can be expensive, and CSA shares may not give your family the flexibility you need, so City Greens is a...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Apr 24, 2014 | Concept Design
The weather’s warming up, and sitting in a breezy open-air space with a margarita and an order of carne asada fries is the perfect way to spend a lazy afternoon. If that sounds good to you too, hang tight until June. Mission Taco 2.0 is scheduled to open late...
by SPACE Architecture + Design | Apr 15, 2014 | Community
Okay, we have a thing for Wildcats. First Tom, then Paul, and now Andrew Stith, the newest addition to the SPACE crew. Initially referred to as Neil’s doppelganger (they MUST have the same personal shopper), Andrew has already proven to be an enthusiastic team...