Video: MoHTC Trip Interviews

Video: MoHTC Trip Interviews

A few weeks ago we hopped on a bus to Jeff City with people from the Downtown Partnership, Cherokee Street, Grove Properties, Missouri Preservation and Trivers Associates to plea our case for preserving the Missouri Historic Tax Credit. (In case you missed it, check...
Michael Bolton exhibits at SPACE

Michael Bolton exhibits at SPACE

If you don’t know about local artist Michael Bolton, you should.     Michael hasn’t exhibited in a year and a half, and he’s making his triumphant return to St. Louis’ art scene on April 19, 2013 when he unveils his show, Blends and Drips at...
Architect as Activist

Architect as Activist

Hop on the bus, Gus. We’re going to Jefferson City. Tomorrow is Missouri Preservation Day, and our esteemed legislators will be available to chat with their constituents. We’ll be there — along with scores of other concerned citizens — to voice...